CF Image Hosting Script 1.6

Rabu, 13 Februari 2013
Posted by Unknown
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One of the main things that have been updated in 1.6 is the way the script keeps track of image views. The old way this used to work was for each view of a image the script work log it in the bandwidth file that that image, so for each new view it would add more items (info) to the file making it bigger and bigger and taking more and more server resources to work with.

Now with this update the script will only keep track of total views for "From Last Reset" and "For all time" (since image was uploaded). Making the amount of server resources needed to work with this part of the script alot less. And on top of this i have change the upload and thumbnail part and other samll parts of the script to use less resources to. making the script over all alot more server resource friendly.

Some of the items that have been updated or added to this release are listed below:

Backend code update to help fix the ram usage.
New admin feature, pick between showing "From Last Reset" or "For all time" image info (Gallery Clicks, Hotlink views, Bandwidth used) on the image list page, "From Last Reset" is how 1.5 and below worked and "For all time" will show you all clicks/views and bandwidth used by that image since being uploaded.
New admin Ad page (easier to add other ad networks)
New admin feature "find all image uploaded from a user/ip" This is the new icon/button used. You will find it on the image list page, ban page and the reported Images list on the dashboard.
New Theme carbonfiber
New Lightbox (jQuery Lightbox By Warren Krewenki)
and other small code updates to themes css, admin css and other back-end codeImage of some admin updates

New Theme carbonfiber
This theme is different from all the other theme that come with the script, It uses the theme settings file to set a new small thumb size(width 284 by height 150), the thumb is now made using the crop option to keep all of them on the gallery the same dimension, number of images per row 3 and the numbers of rows on the gallery page 3.

You can edit any of the settings in the settings.php file what can be found in the themes->carbonfiber folder.

New Lightbox
I had to move to a new lightbox as the license of the old one has been updated. But the upside of that is i found one i like more. The jQuery Lightbox By Warren Krewenki

If you are one of the users who do not like having the lightbox fit to screen, you can turn this off by opening up the thumbnail.php and removing line 175 (remove the code below)

fitToScreen: true,

Updating instructions :

Updating can be done in one of two ways.

You can just copy all files from the zip file over the top of the old ones on our server. ( this is not the best way as some of the old files may have been renamed or removed from this update and they would be left on your server)
Remove all files and folders other then the UPLOAD & INC FOLDERS from your server, then upload the new files from the zip to your server.

Then just navigate to your site were the installer/updater script should run to check the file structure and
setup any new settings.


To fix the image upload blank page bug some users have reported, reupload the script, but first set your ftp program to upload using binary transfer not ascii and that should fix the bug for you.

Install instructions :
Unzip all the files and upload them to your site , then navigate to your site were the installer script should run to check the file structure and setup the basic settings. If you encounter an error it will most likely be an error related to the script not being able to right a file or to a folder just follow the instructions to set permissions on the file or folder affected.
After the installer is done you will need to delete the install folder from your server, then you can navigate to the admin page ( and and use the username and password below (if updating use your login info), Once loged in you can navigate to the settings page and edit settings to your liking.

Username: admin
Password: password

Demo CF Image Hosting 1.6
Download CF Image Hosting 1.6 (Size: 726.67 KB)

Sumber :
Microsoft Office 2013

Microsoft Office adalah perangkat lunak kantoran yang paling populer dan paling banyak digunakan. Setelah terakhir Microsoft merilis Office 2010, kini sudah hadir versi Office 2013.
Microsoft Office 2013 sendiri membawa banyak fitur baru seperti kemampuan editing dokumen PDF, integrasi dengan jejaring sosial derta layanan yang hadir untuk memudahkan pengguna. Tak hanya itu, sejalan dengan hadirnya Metro Style, Office 2013 juga menyediakan modus touch-enabled untuk memaksimalkan penggunaan dengan layar sentuh.

Microsoft Office 2013 Professional Plus Features:
1. Deploy more easily than ever
2. Enjoy the power of the cloud—on your terms
3. Get personal productivity on demand
4. Monitor performance centrally
5. Keep data more secure
6. Get started more quickly and easily
7. Build a social network
8. Discover and share insights from your data
9. Create and share beautiful documents
10. Add the power of the web and media to documents

New Metro Interface:

System requirements:
Windows 7 x86_32 Bit / Windows 7 x64_64 Bit / Windows 8 (32 and 64 bit)
Dual Core 1 Ghz
Ram 1 GB

"Microsoft Office 2013" Download :
(704,05 MB)

"Microsoft Office 2013 Activation" Download :
(59.05 KB via
RAR PASSWORD : skyticlecuy

  1. Extract terlebih dahulu file bertipe .7z itu dengan WinRAR (Disarankan) atau 7-zip (password di atas!)
  2. Buka program kecil bernama "SkyticleMS2013" lalu klik tombol "Key"
  3. Muncul Key yang siap anda pakai, copy lalu paste ke Activation Microsoft Office 2013

*Gambar kurang jelas tetapi setidaknya menunjukan tempat activation MS office 2013

Hallway RAID (The Raid Minigame)

Selasa, 12 Februari 2013
Posted by Unknown
Di Post saya yang ke 100, saya akan share game offline yang cukup mengasikan yaitu Hallway RAID.

Game ini bukan dibuat oleh Pembuat Film "THE RAID" yaitu Merantau, tetapi dibuat oleh Fans dari film tersebut. Mini game ini cukup simpel dan pendek. Game ini termasuk game offline. Berikut beberapa Screenshot'nya :

Langsung aja download :D (Click tombol download berikut)

Password ZIP : skyticlereadnow
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Makhluk aneh ini katanya sering muncul di Eropa untuk menakut-nakuti para penebang pohon agar tidak menebang pohon. 

Foto-Foto Penampakannya (Klik jika kurang jelas)

Dan 2 Video Penampakannya yang terdapat di Youtube :

Referensi : Google, Kaskus, Youtube

Cara Download di

Minggu, 27 Januari 2013
Posted by Unknown
Tag :
Saya akan memberitahu bagi anda yang bingung cara mendownload file-file yang saya upload di

1. Buka link tersebut sebagai contoh saya menggunakan
2. Lihat pada gambar di atas, klik tombol "Download (9.8KB)" sebelah File Options.

SMADAV kembali hadir dengan versinya yang terbaru, yaitu SMADAV PRO 9.1.1. SMADAV adalah AntiVirus lokal terbaik menurut saya, dan terbukti selalu tegas menangkap dan mengeksekusi virus2 yang mencoba masuk ke laptop saya.

Selain itu, SMADAV juga ringan karena tidak banyak memakan source memory, sehingga dapat diduetkan dengan AntiVirus lain seperti AVAST.

Tidak banyak yang berubah dari versi SMADAV terbaru ini, hanya penambahan virus database untuk memperkuat proteksi pada PC kita.

Password RAR :

Bosen dengan waktu mengcopy yang sangat lama? Ini dia solusinya!


Password RAR :

  1. Install Teracopy terlebih dahulu
  2. Buka Serial.txt lalu Copy semua isinya (Ctrl+A > Ctrl+C)
  3. Buka Teracopy dan klik "more"
  4. Klik "Get pro version" lalu pilih "enter registration key"
  5. Paste serial yang tadi
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